10 jobs for surfers you should apply

Surfing is a sport that has been growing and gaining more followers and admirers every day. With diverse profiles, ages and lifestyles, many people yearn to find professions related to surfing in which they do not necessarily need to climb on a board.

Like any sport, surfing is democratic and offers some options - in different sectors - for those who dream of becoming professional in an activity that involves all its atmosphere and beauty. Discover the 10 jobs for surfers you should apply!

Surfing professions you can follow!

To prove that you can be close to the beach and the main surfers in the world, we have listed some good options. Check it out!


A good and competent shaper is perhaps a surfer's best friend. This is because the professional will give life to a surfer's main work tool: his board . To make a good board, you need to combine:

  • Modern and technological materials;
  • Lines and curves capable of fitting perfectly to the athlete's body and movements;
  • Personalized aesthetics and style;
  • All of this on time, with no delays or setbacks. This partnership between shaper and surfer, ends up being essential when it comes to executing a personalized piece, appropriate and that is within the needs of each athlete.

Surf technician

As in football, the coach is the person who is able to guide the athlete when setting up strategies for competitions. Among its main duties are:

  • Analysis of climatic conditions predicted for the day of the competition;
  • Improve and perfect the athlete's technique;
  • Know in detail which are the best peak positions so that the surfer can catch the best waves;
  • Guide the surfer so that he/she maintains a good discipline and a healthy routine to not harm his/her physical performance.


Do you love the sea, the beach, and the surf, but you don't have many skills in the water there? A good alternative for both sports lovers and amateur athletes or retired professionals is to pursue a career as a journalist. Whether writing for newspapers, magazines, portals, or blogs, the journalist can always contact athletes, teams, coaches, and watch competitions in different parts of the world.

Photographer / Videomaker

Do you know those breathtaking, spectacular photos? Or those videos, clips, and documentaries where the camera can get very close to the surfer and follow his every move on the wave? Well, to get as many beautiful images as these two professionals are needed: the photographer and a videomaker! Many of them spend hours and hours in the sea to get perfect angles and frames, and for that, they literally play!

Public Relations

Professional surfers end up getting contracts with sponsors, interviews for TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines, and many still sign advertising contracts with different brands. To help manage these athletes' career and public life, it is often necessary to have a public relations person to advise and manage everything around them. Taking care of the surfer's image and helping to choose what is or is not worth assimilating his name is fundamental.


Did you see how a professional who lives in a world of surf doesn't just live on the wave? Have you met any of these surfing professionals, and do you already know which one to follow?